[IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Sugar Digest 2009-06-15

David Farning dfarning at sugarlabs.org
Mon Jun 15 15:58:59 EDT 2009

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 10:10 AM, Walter Bender<walter.bender at gmail.com> wrote:
> ===Sugar Digest===
> 1. It seems that once per month the computer vs. phone debate
> reemerges. This time, http://edutechdebate.org/ has taken up the
> theme. Wayan Vota posed the question: Mobile Phones: Better Learning
> Tools than Computers? Michael Trucano takes the affirmative position
> in his essay, http://edutechdebate.org/mobile-phones-and-computers/phones-are-a-real-alternative-to-computers/
> while Robert B. Kozma argues that
> http://edutechdebate.org/mobile-phones-and-computers/computers-are-more-capable-than-mobile-phones/.
> The usual arguments of pervasiveness (phones) and capacity (computers)
> were made.
> We touched on a different set of themes when we discussed this topic
> "versus, not" [http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/iaep/2009-May/005484.html]
> back in May. We were responding in part to Mark Guzdial's blog: Does
> "There's an App for That" Hurt or Help Computing Education?
> [http://www.amazon.com/gp/blog/post/PLNK3F4TMBURELZZK]. At the time I
> said that I was optimistic about the role of phones in learning—a
> u-turn from my long-standing position. The arguments about the
> differences in affordances between phones and computer remain
> relevant: e.g., you wouldn't write an essay on your phone if you have
> a computer at hand; and as Kozma points out, the large installed base
> of phones is not composed primarily of the latest iPhone on a 3G
> network. The current installed base has much less capacity. But that
> will change over time.
> My disregard of phones for learning had been based on my fear that
> "phone culture" was turning us into a society of consumers of those
> services that "Ma Bell" chose for us. But the iPhone and the Android
> are changing that. The meme that is rapidly becoming part of our
> culture is that phones are programmable, i.e., computers. This is a
> huge step forward. There is merit in Guzdial's argument that the Apple
> marketing pitch discourages end-users from becoming active
> participants in the creative process—we must be vigilant in combating
> this trend. But now that the phone company's model of "phone as a
> service" is eroding, there is reason for optimism that the
> corresponding model of "learning as a service" will also wane. The end
> of restrictions on who can develop what for whom is an important
> cultural development that will have an overall positive impact on
> learning, regardless of the platform. Sugar, which is designed for a
> relatively lightweight environments, will become more significant to
> learners.


Technologically the phone and the computer are quickly converging.
They are just coming at the problem from different points of view.
Phones focus on power consumption and size.  Netbooks focus on screen
size and general use computing.

If the new ARM technology is as good inside devices as it is on paper
the convergence is going to happen sooner than many of us expect it.


> 2. [http://nexcopy.com Nexcopy] has generously donated a USB
> replicator to Sugar Labs. It will be a great help in our various
> Sugar-on-a-Stick pilot programs this summer.
> ===Help Wanted===
> 3. Hamilton Chua has written some patches to enable SoaS images to
> register with School Servers, thus enabling backup and restore. The
> patch is described in http://dev.sugarlabs.org/ticket/916. Please try
> to test it.
> 4. Lionel Laske reports that OLPC France has launch a French FLOSS
> Manual Sprint and a large part of the work has been completed. They
> are now looking for help with "Help." Lionel asks, is there a way to
> do quickly a “one shot” build of the Help Activity in French (and
> other languages)?
> 5. Samy Boutayeb is seeking input on digital media
> [http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/olpc-mg/2009-June/000169.html] for
> the OLPC/Sugar pilot in Madagascar.
> 6. David Van Assche published
> [http://www.nubae.com/collaboration-session-sugar-june10 a report]
> from the collaboration-testing session that took place last week (10
> June 10). Please leave your comments, especially those who took part.
> We plan to continue testing again on Wednesday, 17 June, at 20:00 UTC,
> irc.freenode.org, channel #sugar-collaboration.
> ===In the community===
> 7. Coming up next week: Sugar at http://linuxtag.org (24–27 June in Berlin).
> 8. Also, Sugar at http://www.fossed.com/ in Bethel, Maine, 24–26 June.
> 9. And Sugar at[http://center.uoregon.edu/ISTE/NECC2009/ in Washington
> DC, 28 June–1 July.
> 10. The OLPC Learning CLub, DC, is hosting a Family XO Mesh Meetup
> [http://olpclearningclub.org/meetings/june-meeting-the-brightest-light-in-the-library/]
> Saturday, 20 June from 10 AM to 1 PM.
> ===Tech Talk===
> 11. I modified Mitchel Charity's Ruler activity
> [http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4192] to look up
> the screen resolution so that it would render properly on non-OLPC-XO
> displays. I'm parsing xdpyinfo, which may not be the most reliable way
> to get the display resolution; feedback from testers would be
> appreciated.
> ===Sugar Labs===
> 12. Gary Martin has generated a SOM from the past week of discussion
> on the IAEP mailing list (Please see
> [[http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Image:2009-June-6-12-som.jpg]]).
> -walter
> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
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