[IAEP] Books Books Books

Albert Cahalan acahalan at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 01:56:58 EDT 2009

Costello, Rob R writes:

> So refreshing to have Albert trolling again - waiting
> for us to rise to the bait

If you really believe I'm trolling, why did you give me a win?

Unfortunately for me, I had other reasons to post that email.
I'm annoyed at the double standards here.

If it looks like I'm trolling, then that's just an indication
of how far apart we are in our beliefs. (and possibly style
differences w.r.t. making clear arguments in a limited medium)

> This form someone who proposed a doom version for the XO at one point

I was in fact thinking about DOOM when I sent that email.
The double standards really offend me; I don't actually mind
the depicted violence in either DOOM or the books. (inspired
real violence is another matter entirely)

I'll assume that you believe that DOOM is inappropriate. Any **fair**
assesment would say the books are far worse. For example, suppose I
wrote my own book with similar content. You'd be horrified by my tale
of murder, war, sexism, torture, genocide, sexual mutilation, slavery,
revenge, rape, gambling, prostitution, and so on. If such books are OK
though, then obviously the mere killing of non-humans is fine.


Death depicted in DOOM: hundreds of non-humans die
Death depicted in book: most of humanity purposely drowned, etc.

Real death caused by DOOM: probably none
Real death caused by book: millions and millions (ongoing)

Plus, in case it's an education project:

Anti-science message in DOOM: flawed physics model
Anti-science message in book: where do I even begin...

Constructing content for DOOM: encouraged
Constructing content for book: often punished, sometimes with death

I wish I could suggest alternate books, but sadly all the good ones
are still protected by copyright. ("The Ancestor's Tale" for example)

The things that bug me most: double standards, ongoing REAL death,
and the anti-science (anti-education) message.

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