[IAEP] Teacher in Uruguay enchanted to see his ideas integrated into global Sugar update [pr mockup]

C. Scott Ananian cscott at cscott.net
Tue Sep 16 15:44:35 EDT 2008

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 6:29 AM, Christoph Derndorfer
<e0425826 at student.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:
> This is the kind of press release I would love for Sugar Labs to be able
> to send out 6 to 12 months down the road... ;-)

Yes, real feedback is vital.

I wonder if we could also work on this on the software front -- at
various times we'd talked about bundling a built in IRC client which
connected to a fixed chat room or some other "send mail to the
developers" way of making a 'suggestions box' which people can throw
good ideas into.  Certainly not as a replacement for actually sending
real people out into real deployments -- but a useful addition

 ( http://cscott.net/ )

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