[Its.an.education.project] Logo proposal

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Fri May 9 12:41:21 CEST 2008

On 09.05.2008, at 10:51, Seth Woodworth wrote:

> Does Sugar-labs really want to keep the OLPC XO symbol?
> Actually, come to think of it, it's more of a sugar logo than an  
> OLPC logo.

Well, the XO icon and name is intrinsically linked to the OLPC  
hardware. OTOH it is a generic icon for kids. Unless someone has a  
*really* good idea I'd say go with the XO icon, for now anyways.

> I was thinking that a logo that incorporates the idea of Python  
> would be more interesting.  A python wrapped around an XO symbol  
> would be pretty cool too.

That would be alienating to developers of non-Python activities, and  
could possibly have unintended connotations in certain cultures.

- Bert -

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