[Its.an.education.project] Cleaning up the activities page

Bryan Berry bryan at olenepal.org
Tue May 6 14:24:09 CEST 2008

> A wiki is a sufficiently versatile tool to do many other things
> besides a WardsWiki or a Wikipedia.  I use mine as a CMS, for my
> blog, for ToDo's and bug tracking, as an agenda and as a phonebook.

My dear Bernie, just because wiki is the perfect tool doesn't mean it is
the right tool for everyone, esp. for something to be accessed by
everyone esp. kids. Vim is the right editor for me but I don't expect
everyone else to use it.

We need a real CMS and the wiki doesn't cut it.

People new to wikis often find them confusing and and frankly hard to
navigate, definitely not intuitive. Let's not bend the people to fit the

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