[IAEP] Maintenance downtime for sugarlabs.org services

Ivan Krstić krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu
Mon Jul 21 07:06:49 EDT 2008

On Jul 21, 2008, at 2:53 AM, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> We're currently working on moving wiki.sugarlabs.org (with a new
> sugarlabs.org shorthand).  Then we'll move planet, the email
> accounts and the lists.

The first of the two migration phases is now complete. We have:

    * moved wiki, planet, and @sugarlabs.org aliases.
    * not moved lists, shell accounts, api, and courses.

Lists (including this one), shell acounts, api and courses will be  
moved sometime within the next two weeks, and another announcement  
will be posted here.

Note that a new shorthand has been added for the wiki: while old wiki  
links will always continue to work, you can now access pages without  
the 'wiki.' prefix, e.g.:


The shorthand is the preferred form. Similarly, any of <http://sugarlabs.org/go 
 >, <http://wiki.laptop.org> and <http://sugarlabs.org/wiki> will take  
you to the wiki front page.

Please let us know if you experience any breakage.

Love, ponies, and rainbows,
Ivan and Bernie.

Ivan Krstić <krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu> | http://radian.org

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