[IAEP] [Fwd: Re: Sugar on Debian]

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at tomeuvizoso.net
Thu Jul 17 11:41:00 CEST 2008

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 10:04 PM, David Farning <dfarning at sugarlabs.org> wrote:
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>> From: Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>
>> Reply-To: dr at jones.dk
>> To: David Farning <dfarning at sugarlabs.org>
>> Subject: Re: Sugar on Debian
>> Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 21:17:00 +0200
>> Generally about software flow, I see it as this:
>> Development:
>>   * Sugarlabs develops software
>>   * Sugarlabs develops .xo packaging format
>>   * Debian and Fedora develops .deb and .rpm packaging formats
>> Packaging:
>>   * Sugarlabs packages Sugar as .xo

Just a small comment: Sugarlabs would package activities as .xo, so
all Sugar users can install bundles if they wish, but all the rest of
the software is provided as source tarballs. Then OLPC and Fedora
would do rpms and Debian and Ubuntu .debs, as you say below.

>>   * Debian and Ubuntu packages Sugar as .deb
>>   * OLPC stores Fedora backend+Sugar as custom filesystem dumps
>>   * LiveBackup stores Fedora backend+Sugar as ISO w/ custom bootloader
>> Distribution:
>>   * OLPC distributes custom filesystem dumps
>>   * OLPC distributes .xo packages
>>   * OLPC distributes LiveBackup ISOs
>>   * Debian, Debian Edu and Ubuntu distributes backend+Sucrose as .deb

SugarLabs might be interested in doing its own LiveCD/LiveUSB images,
to make testing easier.

Thanks your great work,


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