[IAEP] Human Interface Guidelines (update and hosting)

Eben Eliason eben.eliason at gmail.com
Tue Dec 16 16:13:50 EST 2008

Hello everyone -

The Human Interface Guidelines [1] have been stagnant for some time,
and I'm starting an initiative to remedy the situation.  This effort,
as I see it, has two components: 1) update the contents of the HIG and
2) tease apart OLPC guidelines from Sugar guidelines, and adjust
hosting accordingly.

UPDATE: The content update is something I'll spearhead myself, as I
wrote most of the current guidelines.  Assistance is certainly
welcome, however, /especially/ in amassing lists of holes that need to
be plugged; I'm sure there are countless implicit guidelines we all
follow that should really be laid down clearly and explicitly.
Ideally, we should be able to answer any noob question about visual or
interaction design by pointing to a sentence in the HIG.  In that
regard, there is a component for the HIG in the OLPC trac system, so
tickets are welcome.  As I mentioned, a small bit of the HIG (mostly
the "input methods" section, but perhaps others) are XO specific.
I'll attempt to tease this apart as well.

HOSTING: The second aspect of this effort is transitioning the HIG to
the sugarlabs wiki, which seems a more appropriate place for the
(Sugar) Human Interface Guidelines.  I foresee this as a relatively
large task, given the size of the HIG and the set of templates, raw
HTML, and nested transclusion which makes a quite navigable but
relatively complex page structure.  I'm not a wiki pro, myself, and
I'd be quite grateful to any who have the know-how and are willing to
assist with, or even take on, this task.

PARALLELISM: Finally, there's a third implied complication, which is
how these two efforts can happen simultaneously (or not).  Should we
a) transition the HIG to sugarlabs, and then update/edit and move any
XO specific pieces back to the OLPC wiki or b) perform a complete
update in place, teasing XO specific parts into separate pages, and
then move it to sugarlabs when we're done or c) come up with a way to
work in parallel?

Thanks for your assistance!

[1] wiki.laptop.org/go/HIG

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