[math4] Activity idea

Yioryos Asprobounitis mavrothal at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 12 19:44:23 EDT 2009

This looks like fun here! 
I hope is not only coding because I can not do any. I could learn some though...

The game /activity that strikes me as tailor for teaching math or anything else, by design, is a Pokemon style game. Has a simple game play so should not be demanding on the hardware and by default is based on attack and defend/abilities (questions/answers) of each pokemon that you "train to become stronger and better and evolve"!
For a math game the characters should have certain level of strengths in functions, comparisons, fractions, geometry, tables, graphs etc. An ordering of the strengths is important for game play. eg you "defend" an addition with subtraction, multiplication with division, equal but with different expression, etc. You could attack with something "bigger", with more factors, combination of functions etc. Riddles and problems could also be included, but I doubt the machine can understand and respond to arbitrarily formed questions so can only be one-way attacks from the computer, or 2-ways in interactive play. 
For lower level, kids could pick from answers  (defense) and questions (attack), go to a mixed mode where they can "capture their opponent" faster if the choose "solo" and type in questions and answers, and finish with the "all user" input mode.
The "damage" could be assessed first by the accuracy of the response (in low level, kids may be able to test that before they respond) and then by speed. The speed by which the "attack" is moving could be the time.
Battles can be done with the machine (training), interactively in pairs or groups  (communication/collaboration) or with the server (testing)
The  goal of the classic game is that "you get to get them all" but here could also be to get the "supper dude" in every level which can be the server or teacher for testing. Or to write an attack sequence that the machine-opponent  "can not defended" (next grate material?) 
As a bonus or initiative, kids may be able do design their own (or modify existing) characters in a drawing activity and import them to the game. Or change the movement (Flip-stick?) of attack/defense/ celebration. They should obviously be able to "trade" their characters with the machine or each-other.
The game should utilize graphic or graffity talented persons for  original characters and backgrounds, and a simple "quest" story-line could add to the game-play.
The usual bonuses, cool stuff to get and trade, new layout unlocking etc, could also be included.

Obviously this "game" is more of a platform and with minimal changes could be implemented in many different disciplines.

I have no idea how to implement this but learning (after 2 kids...) the philosophy and the characters of the game I think it can be an ideal learning platform. I do not know if relevant FOSS game engines exist or any company (Nindendo) has release any old code but either could be grate help.
All it needs now is a TV show to popularize it :-)

So if someone with the required technical abilities finds it interesting and feasible and kick-start it, I promise to try to learn (a bit of) whatever language is going to be used...



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