[math4] i18n

Greg DeKoenigsberg gdk at redhat.com
Fri Jun 19 04:21:13 EDT 2009

On Thu, 18 Jun 2009, Mike Major wrote:

> i'm struggling right now with how to display some text on the screen
> with some graphics. the easiest way would be to just include it in the
> svg graphics. [1]
> however, then i started thinking of internationization (i18n). if the
> text is in the graphics, it would not be translatable.
> the questions here is: should i be concerned about i18n? i know this is
> a open source project and you never know where it might end up. i guess
> i'm looking for some input and other people's thoughts.
> -are people planning for i18n?
> -do we expect that the activities will end up outside of the us? or even
> in the us and used for teaching non-native english speakers?
> i guess i'm looking for a get-out-of-jail-free card and wondering if
> anyone has one.
> [1] = we're planning on several screens with a graphic and some text to
> go with it. there will be some "back" and "forward" buttons for
> navigation. i'm trying to find a clean and elegant way of holding the
> information for the screen information; something like a C-struct i
> think but i'm not sure yet.
> thanks for the input,
> mike

If it comes down to a choice between "is it pretty" or "is it easily 
localizable" then I would choose "is it easily localizable" as often as 

Everything is a choice, of course.


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