[Dextrose] How to test end-to-end

Ajay Garg ajaygargnsit at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 10:46:28 EST 2012



On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 9:09 PM, Anish Mangal <anish at activitycentral.org> wrote:
> On Feb 11, 2012 5:34 AM, "Ajay Garg" <ajaygargnsit at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Anish.
>> 1. For committing, are the following two conditions necessary and
>> sufficient ::
>>    a. git rm
>> "0082-uy-1242-Batch-Operations-on-Journal-Entries-Copy-Era.patch"
>> in "<repo_path>/rpms/sugar"
>>    b. git push
>>    c. git add (the new version-4)
>> "0082-uy-1242-Batch-Operations-on-Journal-Entries-Copy-Era.patch"
>>    d. git push
> If the file name is the same, like in your example above, you dont need to
> git rm.
> * git add patchname.patch
> * git commit
> * (to push to remote repo) git push
> * ONLY if the patch name is different, should you be doing git rm
>> 2. How can I test the change end-to-end (that is, getting the patch
>> incorporated into the image), WITHOUT git-pushing.
> You need to create a local rpmbuild structure and roll rpms to be able to
> install them on the xo to test before pushing
> * In your local dextrose repo create a tarball consisting of all the patches
> with the name sugar-dx3-(date).tar.gz and move it to
> /home/username/rpmbuild/SOURCES
> * Then copy the sugar.spec file to the rpmbuild/SPECS dir. Open it and and
> edit the epoch field to reflect the date in the patchset tarball name. You
> will also need to edit the source field to reflect the correct date as well.
> * Then run rpmbuild --clean and then rpmbuild -ba sugar.spec
> *Install the generated rpm on tbhe XO as rpm --upgrade rpmname.rpm and test
>> 3. How can I test the change end-to-end (that is, getting the patch
>> incorporated into the image), AFTER git-pushing.
> You cannot. Thats why u have to test before. Once u have committed the
> patch, I will generate the rpms and upload them to the package repository.
> So it becomes imp to do all this testing locally at ur end before git
> bushing
>> Regards,
>> Ajay

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