[Dextrose] How to test end-to-end

Anish Mangal anish at activitycentral.org
Sat Feb 11 10:39:37 EST 2012

On Feb 11, 2012 5:34 AM, "Ajay Garg" <ajaygargnsit at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Anish.
> 1. For committing, are the following two conditions necessary and
sufficient ::
>    a. git rm
> in "<repo_path>/rpms/sugar"
>    b. git push
>    c. git add (the new version-4)
> "0082-uy-1242-Batch-Operations-on-Journal-Entries-Copy-Era.patch"
>    d. git push

If the file name is the same, like in your example above, you dont need to
git rm.
* git add patchname.patch
* git commit
* (to push to remote repo) git push
* ONLY if the patch name is different, should you be doing git rm

> 2. How can I test the change end-to-end (that is, getting the patch
> incorporated into the image), WITHOUT git-pushing.

You need to create a local rpmbuild structure and roll rpms to be able to
install them on the xo to test before pushing
* In your local dextrose repo create a tarball consisting of all the
patches with the name sugar-dx3-(date).tar.gz and move it to
* Then copy the sugar.spec file to the rpmbuild/SPECS dir. Open it and and
edit the epoch field to reflect the date in the patchset tarball name. You
will also need to edit the source field to reflect the correct date as well.
* Then run rpmbuild --clean and then rpmbuild -ba sugar.spec
*Install the generated rpm on tbhe XO as rpm --upgrade rpmname.rpm and test

> 3. How can I test the change end-to-end (that is, getting the patch
> incorporated into the image), AFTER git-pushing.

You cannot. Thats why u have to test before. Once u have committed the
patch, I will generate the rpms and upload them to the package repository.
So it becomes imp to do all this testing locally at ur end before git

> Regards,
> Ajay
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