[Dextrose] ip route in rc.sysinit

Esteban Bordon ebordon at plan.ceibal.edu.uy
Tue Aug 10 08:17:04 EDT 2010

The script try to connect to the Access Point that have the better signal
using iwlist, iwconfig and dhclient. If dhclient return 0 it executes ip
route to obtain the server IP and it download a few files.

This script must to run before user takes control of the OS. My idea is add
the script at initrd but later.


2010/8/9 James Cameron <quozl at laptop.org>

> On Mon, Aug 09, 2010 at 04:33:08PM -0300, Esteban Bordon wrote:
> > I have a script that execute ip route to get the default gateway.
> I've a fundamental problem with this ... a default gateway is set as a
> result of bringing up a connection, and there is no default gateway in
> the absence of a connection.  There is no connection during boot because
> the user has not yet chosen an access point ... the choice is stored in
> Sugar.
> Could you explain why you would need to do it during boot when no
> connection is available?
> As Jon says, it is better to run it at the time a connection is
> completed, since that is the first time a default gateway is set.
> --
> James Cameron
> http://quozl.linux.org.au/
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