[Dcpr] Planning the DCPR session at IGF

LB at lucabelli.net LB at lucabelli.net
Thu Jun 21 17:57:46 EDT 2018

 Dear all,
 This email is to start discussing the organisation of the IGF DCPR session. 
 As you may know a draft session proposal should be sent to the Secretariat by 29 June and we will have a session slot by default, as the DCPR has consistently produced outputs over the past years. Also, FYI, the 90-minute time slot has been re-established (thanks to those who have submitted comments in that sense during IGF stock-taking consultation!)
 Now, to discuss the content of the session: at the Rightscon meeting, it was proposed that the DCPR session would be devoted not only to the discussion of the DRAFT good practices on ADR mechanisms, but also to present other initiatives that might be plugged into the DCPR work-stream. 
 Our choice of panellists must be in line with the IGF Secretariat's Guidelines, which require the session to be as much as possible multistakeholder, gender-balanced and geographically diverse. 
 Potential panellists could be those who expressed interest at Rightscon: Nic Suzor, presenting his project on content moderation; and a representative from Global Partners Digital presenting their proposal for Platform Content regulation.
  We were also thinking to invite as keynote speakers Moez Chackchouk from UNESCO and the President of the French Digital Council, Salwa Toko, to discuss their initiatives in relation to artificial intelligence (in the context of automated decision making)and platform responsibility.
 It would be good to have a platform representative. Google is preparing a study on platform regulations and they will surely attend the IGF, so it would offer another good option. If you have any other suggestions, for example to bring in a smaller platform's perspective, please come forward. 
 Notably, we would  need the panel to include at least another female speaker, ideally from Asia or Africa. 
 Please feel free to share any suggestions by 28 June
 All the best
 Luca & Nicolo
Luca Belli, PhD 
Senior Researcher, Center for Technology & Society, FGV Rio de Janeiro 
Chercheur Associé, Centre de Droit Public Comparé, Université Paris 2

Head of Internet Governance at FGV



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