[ASLO] [Sugar-devel] Sugar versions - Activities

Walter Bender walter.bender at gmail.com
Fri Jan 6 19:01:23 EST 2012

On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 6:41 PM, Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn
<alanjas at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> It would be good to record the date fo last release. There could be
>> translations committed to git but not in the release if it was a long
>> time ago. This could be checked against the release date and the git
>> log activity since.
> I add another column to my spreadsheet (1) called 'Last of:' that have the
> date
> when was uploaded the last version..
> The numbers speak for themselves..
> The average of days that the activities had is: 421,2 days!!!
> That means that some activities have 1 year of inactivity (inactivity = not
> new version)
> I attach a graphic with the age of each group of activities:
> 1 month or less:      23
> between 1 and 2:    26
> between 2 and 3:    29
> between 3 and 6:    47
> between 6 and 12:  68
> moore than 1 year: 213
> Regards!
> Alan
> (1) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AntaXnq4oy2_dFJjNE9TemZUUGtzLVNEQnF4UlIwQkE

We need another column for 1 hour or less :)


Walter Bender
Sugar Labs

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