[Systems] JT, Mike: following today's IRC meeting, please help with Uruguay race microsite (register Wordpress blog)

Sean DALY sdaly.be at gmail.com
Sun Apr 10 14:05:05 EDT 2011


Hi Mike, JT

link above is IRC meeting log of today's meeting

We are go for the Vuelta Ciclista del Uruguay 2011 microsite!

Needs to be up by Wednesday morning April 13th UTC-3 time (Montevideo)
at the very latest and preferably the day before

We have chosen Wordpress which has an e-mail-to-publish function. We
would like you guys to open & set up the account and work with
Christian on look & feel. Publish to e-mail function (see link in log)
needs to be activated as well as URL pointed to ours (more below).
Hosted at Wordpress for now since easiest (if that is possible with
our subdomain, should be), later pointed to our server.

The idea is that homepage of blog should have intro information about
the project ("these are articles written by students in Uruguay about
the Vuelta Ciclista del Uruguay 2011 bicycle race"). Gabriel and
Sebastian will help with text. Intro or sidebar can link to SL wiki
e.g. http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Vuelta_a_Uruguay

Important: the site will be in Spanish and its admin should be in
Spanish too if possible, since after setup we will likely want to hand
off moderation/adjustments/depublishing to UY people.

Idea for workflow is:

* child sends in article (= text + photo(s) as attachment(s)) to:
concurso at rapceibal.info
(this e-mail will be published in UY's largest daily newspaper on
Wednesday which is why that is deadline for microsite to be up)

* UY people filter spam in that mailbox and forward mail to secret
Wordpress e-mail-to-publish address.

The Sugar Labs infra team (most likely dogi) will set up subdomain
www.vueltaciclista.sugarlabs.org and this address:
www.sugarlabs.org/vueltaciclista will redirect to it. Again, subdomain
will point to Wordpress server for now.

PR is planned to go out on the wire on Friday morning the 15th, first
day of the race.

Please contact us if you hit any roadblocks during registration/setup process.




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