[somos-azucar] Official Feedback for Hexoquinasa v0.9

Roxana Del Valle roxana.delvalle en instructiva.pe
Mar Mayo 14 09:35:48 EDT 2013

Hola Sebastián, primero quiero felicitarlos por seguir colaborando. Gracias!

Solo comentando:

Simplificar está muy bien, es lo mejor que pueden hacer.

Recuerda q todo cambio, más aun si incluye términos nuevos, supone una
nueva comprensión de paradigmas y es un riesgo.

Ya sabemos lo que demora asegurarse de la comprensión de los cambios en los

Piensen bien antes de añadir nuevos términos.

Nuevamente gracias por lo que la comunidad de sugar labs viene haciendo,
siempre que estoy en una reu sobre el tema de las tic, yo los menciono a

Hello friends and hackers of Sugar Network,

This is to share with you official feedback by the Ministry of Education of
Peru with
regard to Hexoquinasa, a downstream distribution of the Sugar Labs Platform
reference deployment platform with access to the Sugar Network.

The plan as coordinated with DIGETE is to release a new version by Fri 24th
of May.
The new version will get testing in the field by a select group of DATs
(Docentes de
Acompañamiento Tecnológico).

It is worth noting:
    - Most feedback is about activities
    - VNC Launcher activity fails to find system x11vncserver binaries.
    - Some feedback is vague and might require further inquiry / testing
("Turtle Art crashes").
    - Some feature requests outside our field of action (i.e. sharing in
paint and labyrinth)
    - Some activities fail on close (Physics ends with signal 6).

Additionally to the items listed in the report:
    - Mesh (or ad hoc) icons are not present in neighbourhood view.
    - Test sharing between XO1 and XO1.5
    - Sugar Network cache policy was discussed. They would like "to run
activities from server"
      to avoid filling user disk.

Warm regards,

somosazucar mailing list
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