[somos-azucar] Official Feedback for Hexoquinasa v0.9

Walter Bender walter.bender en gmail.com
Mar Mayo 14 08:22:46 EDT 2013

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 2:45 AM, Aleksey Lim <alsroot en sugarlabs.org> wrote:

> On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 10:53:27PM -0500, Sebastian Silva wrote:
> > El 13/05/13 15:48, Walter Bender escribió:
> > >Sebastian,
> > >
> > >The feedback is helpful. Thanks.
> > >
> > >From looking at the document, I see it is Sugar 0.94 they are
> > >testing. Is that correct? Do you know what version so the
> > >activities they are testing? Any way to get access to some log
> > >files for the activities that did not load, e.g., Turtle?
> > >
> >
> > [1]
> http://network.sugarlabs.org/hub/?activities&org.laptop.TurtleArtActivity&reports
> > [2]
> http://network.sugarlabs.org/hub/?activities&org.laptop.physics&reports
> There is an issue, activity fail reports are being visible only
> for authenticated users (which is possible only from local
> Sugar Network client). Will fix this issue to make reports visible from
> the Web as well.
> Also, will make it possible (for Web anonymous users) to browse
> activity versions that are being used in Hexokinase (Sugar Network
> supports layers for its content, it is being used here as a QA
> instrument to provide for deployments only particular activities
> versions).
> --
> Aleksey

Access to the log files will be very useful for remote debugging. In the
meantime, I'll try to get my hands on a machine running 0.94. Looking at my
change logs for Turtle Art, I can hazard a guess that one problem night be
a missing dependency, which I removed in a later version. In any case, I
recommend that you try using the latest version if possible -- many bug
fixes since v160 -- but at least v169, since I fixed a memory leak in that
version that would have impacted performance on XO 1.



Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
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