[Sugar-devel] Sugarizer Story Activity - Meeting 4 Report

Saurabh Gupta saurabhguptajpr at yahoo.in
Sun Jun 13 03:37:03 EDT 2021

 Hi everyone,

Hope you are doing well!

I had my fourth GSoC meeting with Ashish on June 13th. We had a discussion on my week 3 tasks and Ashish reviewed my code. There is a bug while loading images in Story Activity in Safari which was fixed by Ashish today. Further, we planned my tasks of week 4 which are as below:
1. Research on how to reuse Write activity codebase inside Story activity
Also, I am facing some issues while adding Safari to my Linux. I will look into that this week.
We will have our next meeting on June 20th.

Saurabh Gupta

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