[Sugar-devel] Sugar-devel] Proposal: moving "assisting mentors" back to role for GSoC 2020

Lionel Laské lionel.laske at gmail.com
Fri Mar 13 07:23:12 EDT 2020

Hi James,

Thanks for this.

I think that assisting mentor notion has no sense.
We need to have one mentor that lead the project with some co-mentors to
supply him when/if he's unavailable. Each mentor could ask help or advice
to other members of the community if needed, we don't need to identify
these guys as "Assisting mentor".

As Stephanie said in the thread you mention: "Unfortunately some people
want to be a mentor because they think it will look good on their resume,
these are not the folks you want to be mentoring students.". I'm afraid
it's the same thing with "Assisting mentor".



Le ven. 13 mars 2020 à 08:31, <sugar-devel-request at lists.sugarlabs.org> a
écrit :

> Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 16:55:16 +1100
> From: James Cameron <quozl at laptop.org>
> To: sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org
> Subject: [Sugar-devel] Proposal: moving "assisting mentors" back to
>         the community role for GSoC 2020
> Message-ID: <20200313055516.GM28657 at laptop.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Walter and I are your organisation administrators for GSoC 2020.
> On the GSoc Mentors mailing list from 8th March and still going is a
> thread "Deadline to invite mentors" which morphed into the expertise
> required of mentors to do a project [1].
> After putting forward the Sugar Labs compromise practice of "coding
> mentors" and "assistant mentors", there has been both criticism and
> support for the practice from other organisation administrators.  The
> criticism has been voluminous and well stated.  The support
> comparatively muted.
> I'd like to hear what the Sugar Labs community thinks now.
> The effect of the change [2] can be seen here [3].
> In implementing the change we would;
> - require _all_ project communication to be carried out in the open,
>   on GitHub, mailing list, or IRC,
> - expect the previous assistant mentors to either promote themselves
>   to the position of mentor by showing their expertise, or be content
>   with participation within the wider Sugar Labs community.
> - remove from the dashboard the previous assistant mentors who are no
>   longer listed against a project,
> What do you think?
> References:
> 1.
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/google-summer-of-code-mentors-list/CAJzXzVEkw%2BOT6nSXvTraNaNqNdR6h0mbjFtaejJcUnueU4YX4Q%40mail.gmail.com
> 2.  https://github.com/sugarlabs/GSoC/pull/94
> 3.  https://github.com/sugarlabs/GSoC/tree/simplify
> --
> James Cameron
> http://quozl.netrek.org/
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