[Sugar-devel] Problem collaborating some activities using rdesktop instances.

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Fri May 24 01:37:55 EDT 2019

Great progress, thanks.

Other user does not need to be friend; when a user makes an activity
public using activity menu, other users on the same network should see
the activity icon in the neighbourhood view.

The shared activity icon in neighbourhood view is critical; you cannot
proceed to collaborate without it.

Chat is a known good collaboration activity.  Also Write, which offers
a shared document.

Cookie Search isn't good for testing collaboration, as it doesn't have
any shared state to collaborate with;

CollabEdit is a new activity that hasn't had the years of testing of
Chat and Write, so I've not been using it to test with.

Please try with the CollabWrapper test activity as well.  You can find
this in https://github.com/sugarlabs/collabwrapper/tree/master/test
or install attached bundle using `sugar-install-bundle` in Terminal.

This is a test activity that shows timing information and data
exchanges, so is good for use by developers testing collaboration.
Review the source code for understanding it.

There is always a possibility that an update to Ubuntu 18.04 may have
broken collaboration.  There are very few other projects that use
Telepathy.  It is one of the reasons I keep Ubuntu 16.04 and Fedora 18
systems available to test against.

On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 10:09:15AM +0530, ANIKET MATHUR wrote:
> To test telepathy port I made two instances of sugar using rdesktop. First
> tried to collaborate using chat activity and was successful, as making the
> other user friend and allowing neighborhood in the activity, gave an option of
> "invite to chat activity" in the neighbourhood view.
> But when I tried to do it with cookie-search or collabedit, I don't get any
> such "invite to.." option. Without collaborating it's impossible for me to test
> the telepathy port. Need help.
> Thanks.

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James Cameron
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