[Sugar-devel] Fedora 30 (Release Candidate 1) SoaS images ready for testing

Thomas Gilliard satellitgo at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 21:08:08 EDT 2019

On 4/25/19 10:27 AM, Alex Perez wrote:
> Folks,
> Just under the wire, we have managed to get some critical Sugar on a 
> Stick issues fixed, which are now included in Fedora 30 SoaS images. I 
> would like to extend a very special thanks to Peter Robinson, who took 
> time out of his busy schedule to assist in getting the Fedora packages 
> updated with the necessary fixes and patches. Thank you, Peter. This 
> will be the first Fedora SoaS in several releases to have functional 
> collaboration within Sugar, and it is thanks to your work, as well as 
> community testers who take the time to test these new packages, and 
> report back with the results.
> For those who would like to test ot use Fedora 30 Sugar on a Stick, 
> Release Candidate 1, you can download these ISO images, and use DD, 
> win32diskimager, or your preferred raw image writing utility to stick 
> the contents on a USB drive. Alternatively, these ISOs can be booted 
> as a Virtual Machine, using VirtualBox, Parallels, Hyper-V, and other 
> virtualization software.
> Here are your download links:
> For 32-bit machines: http://bit.ly/Fedora-30-RC1-SoaS-32-bit (891 
> megabyte ISO)
> For 64-bit machines: http://bit.ly/Fedora-30-RC1-SoaS-64-bit 
> <https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/30_RC-1.1/Spins/x86_64/iso/Fedora-SoaS-Live-x86_64-30-1.1.iso> 
> (942 megabytes)
> Here is what's been fixed:
> * Sugar 0.113 is included by default
> * Collaboration works out of the box
> * Able to connect to jabber.sugarlabs.org when configured (this is 
> related to the fix for collaboration, thanks to James Cameron for this)
> * A patch/hotfix to 0.113 
> <https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar/commit/a83257bcf791e237afb55ed37f04d776f0fd927b>, 
> which resolves Sugar 0.113 starting up. Special thanks to Rahul 
> "Pro-Panda" Bothra for this contribution.
Thanks to all the contributors who made this happen.

Here is a preliminary  edit of the sugarlabs wiki to include Fedora_30 [1]

[1] https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Fedora_30#Fedora_30

> The final release of Fedora 30 is expected to be made between April 
> 30th and May 7th, depending on a number of factors. The F30 release 
> schedule is documented at 
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/30/Schedule
> Regards,
> Alex Perez
> Sugar Labs Oversight Board Member
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