[Sugar-devel] [Marketing] [SLOBS] [SLOB] xo-computer icon

Sean DALY sdaly.be at gmail.com
Thu Sep 14 09:00:18 EDT 2017

Sebastian — these principles apply to copyright, not trademarks, patents,
or trade secrets.


Le jeu. 14 sept. 2017 à 08:50, Sebastian Silva <sebastian at fuentelibre.org>
a écrit :

> On 14/09/17 07:37, Sean DALY wrote:
> Laura, I am not a lawyer, but the inclusion of a trademarked logo does not
> make software nonfree.
> Neither am I, but the criteria for libre software is easy enough to
> understand. Here it is (in my own words):
> Freedom 0: The liberty to use for *any *purpose
> Freedom 1: The liberty to make *modifications*
> Freedom 2: The liberty to *redistribute *to others
> Freedom 3: The liberty to *distribute modified* copies
> A trademark in the main interface icon clearly inhibits Freedom 0, 1 and 3.
> Regards,
> Sebastian
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