[Sugar-devel] migration of activities to github.com/sugarlabs

Dave Crossland dave at lab6.com
Fri May 27 08:20:26 EDT 2016


On 27 May 2016 at 08:05, Walter Bender <walter.bender at gmail.com> wrote:

> (1) Who is responsible for packaging and releasing new releases? Is there
> intended to be a schedule? Or do we continue to drive this by individual
> maintainers?

New releases of activities has to date been done by individual maintainers
uploading their XO zips to ASLO, right?

Once we have an activities in our org, we can contribute directly to
release engineering via the github releases features, and automating the
upload to ASLO and packaging for distros.

> (2) Are there plans to set up sugarlabs.github.io where JS activities can
> be hosted?

Sounds great! While each activity has its own
https://sugarlabs.github.io/repo-name site hosted in a gh-pages branch (eg
https://sugarlabs.github.io/edit-fonts-activity/) it would be good to have
an index up at https://sugarlabs.github.io so I've created a stub one :)

> If not, is there a standard mechanism we should use for maintaining
> existing io sites? How do we maintain clones? Just through a clone? (I want
> to keep maintaining walterbender.github.io/musicblocks as that is the URL
> many people are using, but happy to promote it in the future as
> sugarlabs.github.io/musicblocks

If you transfer a repo from github.com/walterbender/repo to
github.com/sugarlabs/repo then the first URL will redirect to the second,
but if you then fork the second back to the first, the redirect won't be
automatic but there will be an indication that it is a fork, not the
upstream, at the top of the page; and then both
walterbender.github.io/musicblocks and sugarlabs.github.io/musicblocks will
work, and be serving the same content as long as they are kept in sync.

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