[Sugar-devel] [SLOB] GSoC mentor stipend motion

Tony Anderson tony_anderson at usa.net
Sun May 8 02:48:09 EDT 2016

As worded, I disagree with the motion. As a mentor, I abstain.


On 05/07/2016 04:20 PM, Dave Crossland wrote:
> On 7 May 2016 at 10:51, Sebastian Silva <sebastian at fuentelibre.org 
> <mailto:sebastian at fuentelibre.org>> wrote:
>     El 07/05/16 a las 09:52, Dave Crossland escribió:
>>     Walter seconded the motion
>     From Walter's email:
>     "Members of the oversight board, please reply to this email
>     solicitation for a vote on the following motion. (Note that since
>     I am a mentor, I think I must recuse myself from the vote.)"
> Oh yes, right.
> Given Walter, Lionel and Tony are  board members and gsoc mentors, 
> that seems bad, but if all recuse themselves then Sameer, Adam, 
> Claudia and José Miguel could still pass the motion.
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