[Sugar-devel] Would like to contribute to a project.

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Sun Oct 11 16:24:37 EDT 2015

Even asking this question is work, well done for starting.

I won't be rude enough to presume I know what you can do, and nor
should I guess.  You've already released six activities, and having
reviewed some of your code (such as Buttons and Scissors) your
abilities are improving all the time.

The core Sugar code is done by people working together, reviewing each
patch, and ensuring a consistent coding style.

In the past few days there has been a hundred or so messages on
development of the core Sugar code, but they aren't on this mailing
list, because development has primarily moved to GitHub.

To get involved, I suggest;

1.  subscribing to notifications for the core Sugar code in GitHub,

2.  reviewing, understanding, asking questions about, or commenting on
the pull requests or commits made by others in the team,

3.  learning about PEP-8 and associated automation,

4.  reading new bugs reported to bugs.sugarlabs.org.

As your abilities to collaborate improve, you'll find things you can
fix in your six activities.  Look for these opportunities.

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 07:03:29PM +0530, Utkarsh Tiwari wrote:
> Hello!
>           I would to work on a Sugar project. Could anyone here please guide
> me?
> My developer profile -> [1]
> regards,
> Utkarsh Tiwari
> References:
> [1] http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/user/13555

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> Sugar-devel mailing list
> Sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org
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James Cameron

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