[Sugar-devel] Activities maintainership

Gonzalo Odiard godiard at sugarlabs.org
Fri May 8 09:05:52 EDT 2015

Thanks Agustín, is good know about you.
I have updated the wiki page, no idea what happened with the openid login.


On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 7:54 PM, Agustín Zubiaga <agustin at nuxbit.com> wrote:

> Hey everyone!
> I just moved this activities:
>  * Chart: git at github.com:aguzubiaga/chart.git
>  * Annotate: git at github.com:aguzubiaga/sugar-annotate.git
>  * Install: git at github.com:aguzubiaga/sugar-install.git
>  * JAMEdit: git at github.com:aguzubiaga/sugar-jamedit.git
> I tried to edit the wiki to add the new repositories but I used to login
> with Google and they deprecated their OpenID 2.0 Login, I also tried to do
> it with Yahoo! but I had no success. Could someone update it for me? That
> would be great.
> As far as I know only Chart and Annotate are in pootle.
> Regards,
> Agustín Zubiaga
> A.K.A. The lost one :)
> El jue., 7 may. 2015 a las 18:14, Gonzalo Odiard (<godiard at sugarlabs.org>)
> escribió:
>> With the movement to github, needed by the new pootle server,
>> we created a list of activities and repositories to keep trac
>> of the changes in the repositories:
>> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Translation_Team/Pootle_Projects/Repositories
>> If you are a activity maintainer, and still didn't moved your repository
>> to github, please do it, and update the wiki page. If you need support
>> with anything in the process, just tell us.
>> (Chart is one of these, Agustin ;) )
>> For the activities still not moved, we need assume the maintainers are no
>> longer
>> available. A few of us are taking care of these activities,
>> but would be good involve to more hackers.
>> If someone is interested in collaborate, but is afraid of the
>> responsibility of
>> maintain a activity, I would like co-maintain some of the activities
>> still orphan:
>> The most urgent are
>>     * Distance
>>     * Implode
>>     * Labyrinth
>>     * Moon
>>     * StopWatch
>>     * TamTam
>>     * Level
>> If anybody is interested in co-maintain any other activity, reply in this
>> thread,
>> or send private mail.
>> --
>> Gonzalo Odiard
>> SugarLabs - Software for children learning

Gonzalo Odiard

SugarLabs - Software for children learning
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