[Sugar-devel] Sugar 0.100 features on Sugar 0.102 build

Sebastian Silva sebastian at fuentelibre.org
Tue Sep 2 12:54:10 EDT 2014

I don't care one way or the other how you guys configure 
olpc-os-builder, but as a Sugar platform contributor, I think "sugar" 
packages should come with all the bells and whistles included, and if 
any deployment wants to chop and censor functionality, then it should 
be their problem, not the other way around.


El mar, 2 de sep 2014 a las 10:01 AM, Gonzalo Odiard 
<godiard at sugarlabs.org> escribió:
>> Gonzalo's question seems to suggest that the dependency on
>> sugar-cp-background should be declared by the sugar package spec 
>> file.
>> I disagree.  I think it should be a decision by deployment team.
> Yes. That is the reason I asked.
> Anyway, no problem from my part if the rpm is added by default in  
> kspkglist.50.sugar.inc
> Gonzalo
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