[Sugar-devel] Sugar 0.101.3 (unstable)

Daniel Narvaez dwnarvaez at gmail.com
Sun Mar 9 19:19:30 EDT 2014

On 9 March 2014 20:33, Peter Robinson <pbrobinson at gmail.com> wrote:

> >> > this release marks our feature freeze for 0.102. Now let's focus on
> bug
> >> > fixing!
> >>
> >> It would be useful to see release notes for each release so as to know
> >> what's changed, added and needs to be tested rather than a tarball
> >> list dumped to the list.
> >
> >
> > I agree, but at the moment I have no time to do that myself. We could
> have a
> > page in sugar-docs and reviewers would fill in items that are release
> note
> > worthy when pushing pull requests. Sort of worried about raising the
> review
> > barrier though. What do people think about that?
> Why can't it be auto generated using git and then you just have to
> make sure there's decent commit messages. Ultimately I think good
> commit messages should be compulsory because it tells you why changes
> were made.

In my experience good commits message and good commits split doesn't
necessarily make a good list of changes for release notes. They target
different audiences.

That said it's certainly better than nothing and it might not be too bad
given how usually the sugar log looks.

I suppose we could just link to github compare (I wonder if there is a way
to hide the code diff, it seems to be hidden automatically when there are a
lot of commits)

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