[Sugar-devel] Need for volunteers in maintaining the activities repos on g.sl.o

Christian Stroetmann stroetmann at ontolab.com
Thu Mar 6 08:00:01 EST 2014

>     I read the old content, so that I know what is included. The check
>     has to be done against what? The related documents on Floss
>     Manuals? Or do you have a quick link?
> The new content is in the Help Activity 
> http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4051
> (last version 17.1)

Thank you

>     Where to add corrections and modifications?
> Read the section "Contribute to this manual" in the Help activity itself.

Thank you

>     Where to add the german version?
> When you are ready to start translate, tell me,
> we will see how can we do it.

I can translate now, so to say on-the-fly.

> The ideal would be have all the help content in our localization server,
> but we are not ready yet. Then we will need do some manual steps.

I can keep the translated copies so long or follow your directions.

> Gonzalo

>>     Gonzalo
>     Christian
>>         Please, give me some days to read all the related webpages to
>>         get a better orientation.
>>         Christian
>>>         Documentation for users or for developers?
>>>         For users, would be good create more content for the Help
>>>         activity [1]
>>>         For developers, we would like to integrate docs generated
>>>         from python api
>>>         to sugar-docs package.
>>>         Gonzalo
>>>         [1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Activities/Help/Contribute
>>>         On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Christian Stroetmann
>>>         <stroetmann at ontolab.com <mailto:stroetmann at ontolab.com>> wrote:
>>>             Hi Gonzalo
>>>             Are there any kind of documentation tasks and if so what
>>>             kind of these?
>>>             Christian
>>>>             Thanks, is very useful.
>>>>             Adding the maintainers information
>>>>             1.
>>>>                 Browse Activity https://git.sugarlabs.org/browse 10
>>>>                 merge requests (manuq)
>>>>             2.
>>>>                 Calculate Activity
>>>>                 https://git.sugarlabs.org/calculate/ 11 Merge
>>>>                 requests (reiner)
>>>>             3.
>>>>                 Write Activity https://git.sugarlabs.org/write 3
>>>>                 Merge Requests (gonzalo) (already merged)
>>>>             4.
>>>>                 JukeBox Activity https://git.sugarlabs.org/jukebox
>>>>                 3 Merge Requests (gonzalo)
>>>>             5.
>>>>                 Log Activity https://git.sugarlabs.org/log 3 Merge
>>>>                 Request (gonzalo)
>>>>             6.
>>>>                 Chat Activity https://git.sugarlabs.org/chat 2
>>>>                 Merge Requests (alsroot)
>>>>             7.
>>>>                 Terminal Activity
>>>>                 https://git.sugarlabs.org/terminal 2 Merge request
>>>>                 (gonzalo)
>>>>             8.
>>>>                 Read Activity https://git.sugarlabs.org/read 2
>>>>                 Merge Requests (gonzalo)
>>>>             I have too much activities over my shoulders, and am
>>>>             interested in co-maintain with other,
>>>>             volunteers, are welcomed.
>>>>             Gonzalo
>>>>             On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 3:25 PM, Gaurav Parida
>>>>             <gparida94 at gmail.com <mailto:gparida94 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>                 Hi Gonzalo,
>>>>                 Thanks for the quick response.
>>>>                 Here is the paste of all the base fructose
>>>>                 activities that I found need some work to be done
>>>>                 to maintain the repo.
>>>>                 http://fpaste.org/82686/94043699/
>>>>                 Need anything more, I am ready to help.
>>>>                 Thanks and Cheers,
>>>>                 Gaurav Parida
>>>>                 (gp94 on IRC)
>>>>             -- 
>>>>             Gonzalo Odiard
>>>>             SugarLabs - Learning Software for children
>>     -- 
>>     Gonzalo Odiard
>>     SugarLabs - Learning Software for children
> -- 
> Gonzalo Odiard
> SugarLabs - Learning Software for children

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