[Sugar-devel] [UKids] ProtoSnap with Arduino plugin

James Cameron quozl at laptop.org
Mon Nov 18 16:33:09 EST 2013

Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn wrote:
> James wrote:
> > It would be better if Turtle Blocks could include the Arduino plugin
> > always. Something for Walter to consider. I'll CC sugar-devel@ to
> > engage him.
> We decided mantain TurtleBlocks very simple and the system of
> plugins allows add any in a easy way. In the wiki there are all the
> plugins each one in a .tar.gz. You download it, and go to "load
> plugin" in turtle and the plugin is installed automatically and it's
> ready to work! Is not necessary restart the TurtleBlocks.

Is this because if a plugin is installed it is automatically presented
to the learner?  An Arduino plugin would be useless and distracting
without Arduino hardware.

Where is "load plugin?"  I cannot find it.  I hav elooked in the
activity toolbar, but none of the tool tips say load plugin.  Version
192.1 in .au 13.3.0-22.

James Cameron

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