[Sugar-devel] Error doing ./osbuild build

Manuel Quiñones manuq at laptop.org
Tue May 28 09:11:27 EDT 2013

2013/5/28 Daniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez at gmail.com>:
> On 28 May 2013 14:16, Gonzalo Odiard <gonzalo at laptop.org> wrote:
>> May be you can use: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/websocket-client/0.7.0
>> I have tested it and works ok.
> I need something which integrates with the glib main loop, so I can run both
> client and server in the same process, which allows me to easily write
> tests.
>> It's true only you and manuq are working in the core, but there are
>> different roles in the community,
>> and always are more people working on activities than in sugar itself.
> Sure, but we need people to work on HTML activities too if we want to make
> progress on that front. So we need the new components to be built.
>> I think we thought the web stuff will be a thin layer and not add a
>> monster like webkit
>> to the stuff we need compile.

I take this as a temporal thing, for example in Fedora 19 it is not
needed anymore.  We already needed to build webkitgtk for the GTK3
port.  The thing is, we are doing an OS :)

> I don't really think it's matter of a thin or thick layer. We would need
> Webkit in any case, it's just that we have chosen to develop on a version
> which is not currently available in distributions.
>> Don't take this as a attack. I value the work you do. But you need
>> understand sugar-build now is a
>> central piece in our stack, and we need use it in different ways.
> No worries, I'm not particularly sensitive to flames anyway. You are free to
> take sugar-build in whatever direction you like, the code is there. But
> honestly I'm not sure what you asking me to do...
> Some of the issues you pointed out are not with sugar-build itself, for
> example the fact that webkitgtk 2.0.x is part of the platform. Some are
> non-issues, like the fact that we should be doing clean builds in buildbot
> or testing before pushing, we are already. Finally the split between sugar
> and sugar-html is not something I'm interested to spend my time on.

And a split would really hurt the efforts to move the platform forward.

.. manuq ..

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