[Sugar-devel] opening a url with WebActivity

Angel Sánchez salemixu at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 13:32:57 EST 2013

Hi people!

I was just searching how I could open a webpage from my Activity.
It's a game coded in c++ and I was trying to call shells commands to 
open it, but I haven't had much luck.

Anybody can help me?

As I was searching I just got with this archived thread:


When I ran the python script it told me this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "www-launch", line 12, in <module>
     activity = ActivityBundle(path)
NameError: name 'ActivityBundle0 is not defined

I have tried using sugar-launch but it doesn't accept any parameters, 
and as I can't modify the system, the patch used elsewhere is not a 

Also I have tried sugar-activity using...

sugar-activity webactivity.WebActivity -b org.laptop.WebActivity -u 

but is says:

ImportError: No module named webactivity

And that command can be seen when I issue 'ps waux' in the terminal...

So... I'm in desperate need of help!

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