[Sugar-devel] [support-gang] Fwd: Re: Sugar future (was Re: Re: [DESIGN] Single instance activities)

Daniel Narvaez dwnarvaez at gmail.com
Fri Apr 12 17:53:13 EDT 2013

On 12 April 2013 23:40, Caryl Bigenho <cbigenho at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Would it be possible to, instead of trying to port all of Sugar to
> Android, start with a few key Activities?

I think that's the idea. Porting the whole Sugar to Android would involve
porting a lot of system components and then likely having to maintain the
ports. Too big and difficult of a task for our community, in my opinion.

> If someone who is a whiz at this sort of thing could write something
> similar to James Simmons, "Make Your Own Sugar Activities," about how to
> convert a Sugar Activity to run on Android, then other programmers could
> get involved in working on them... both individually and in groups.

Unfortunately porting an activity to Android means rewriting it from
scratch. Depending on the activity there might be pieces of code which are
general enough to require "just" a python -> javascript translation.

Btw the idea is to port to html5 and javascript, not to the Android native
API. The advantage is to be able to run the same code on other OSes but of
course integration with the Android platform might suffer.
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