[Sugar-devel] Testing sweets < 0.86 ?

Aleksey Lim alsroot at sugarlabs.org
Sun Mar 11 08:05:15 EDT 2012

On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 12:55:41PM +0100, laurent bernabe wrote:
> Ok,
> I did not install Package Kit, because I had done it once before, and the
> result was that I got two packages managers in my system instead of only
> one. Is there a way to install missing dependencies without package kit ?

PackageKit is working on top of native packager. So, you have only one
package manager all time. The whole reason for PackageKit project is
having the same way to install packages on all distros (thats why it is
being used in 0install/sweets).

You should not have any problems after installing PackageKit on Ubuntu,
just don't use it and continue using native tools.


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