[Sugar-devel] [Testing] Fedora Sugar Test Day - Test case content, location

Tabitha Roder tabitha at tabitha.net.nz
Sun Mar 4 14:28:01 EST 2012

On 4 March 2012 16:35, S Page <skierpage at gmail.com> wrote:

> @Tabitha, I made your template prominent in
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activity_testing_template and continued the
> archivist job of marking old stuff as "{{obsolete|from 2008}}"...
Thanks :-)

> Is _anything_ under http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Tests still a useful
> test case?  Maybe a mass delete or rename to Tests/old crap/Xyz is in
> order?
We could devote a Saturday testing day to reading all of these if it is
deemed more worthy than testing new builds, or we could look at it on a
weekend when there are no new builds.

> A lot of those tests are linked from activity pages, e.g.
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Memorize has a TST link, but most activities
> have moved to sugarlabs.org where none (?) of them have testing
> information.
We did at one stage talk about using activities.sugarlabs.org to manage
testing either as a tag or as part of approval. I can't remember where the
conversation got to.  I can't remember who the "we" was.

> Did you see the spreadsheet in
> <
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Community_testing_meetings/2008-11-06/Displaying_testing_metrics_in_motivating_ways
> >
> ?
Yes, we set up a google form in the early testing days so we could see
results in a spreadsheet.

> <https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=pyBIsSK_3IlsHBpwk1EFNcQ>
> ? @Tabitha, were you among the Wellington testers that supposedly used
> this? If so, did you like it?
Yes, we wrote that a very long time ago so as the new people could follow a
template. We figured it was a useful starting point and meant you were less
likely to forget to test the various components required.

The down side of the spreadsheet approach was that we still had to submit
bug reports and we still had to write the email to the testing list so we
didn't decrease our workload but actually increased it. We also tried to
find the current maintainer of the activity so as to include them in the
email. I think we still haven't nailed the time management side or the
contacting the current maintainer (and we have to remember that it is
important the developer of the activity/feature sees the feedback!).
Definitely keen on getting the testing train racing, lowering barriers to
entry, but keeping the spontaneity side in testing (not just following the
rules) so as we do see what happens in real life (like finding kids to test
is also important).

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