[Sugar-devel] [PATCH Log v2] Don't update search results every keystroke

Manuel Quiñones manuq at laptop.org
Thu Apr 12 18:14:39 EDT 2012

El día 12 de abril de 2012 19:12, Manuel Quiñones <manuq at laptop.org> escribió:
> El día 12 de abril de 2012 18:11, Gary Martin
> <garycmartin at googlemail.com> escribió:
>> On 12 Apr 2012, at 21:30, Manuel Quiñones wrote:
>>> El día 12 de abril de 2012 14:19, Manuel Quiñones <manuq at laptop.org> escribió:
>>>> El día 12 de abril de 2012 14:14, Manuel Kaufmann <humitos at gmail.com> escribió:
>>>>> If the log file is long and we search for new results every time that a key is
>>>>> pressed this action could consume a lot of CPU. Even more if we search for a
>>>>> single char.
>>>>> So, I changed the way that it works to update the search results every time the
>>>>> user presses the Enter key and if there are results for that query the Entry
>>>>> box is highlighted with yellow color and if there are no results with red
>>>>> color..
>>>> This is a great improvement.
>> Is it possible to use a delay in typing rather than an explicit return key stroke? We use a delay in typing for the existing search in the Sugar shell home favourite view so there should be code to go reuse and the behaviour would be consistent.
> Indeed, that seems like a better approach.  Sorry humitos for all the
> comings and goings.

Forgot to say, we should do of this a Sugar recomedation, would be
good to change the interactive search in Browse accordingly.

.. manuq ..

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