[Sugar-devel] Pilas Activity - interesting game engine

Manuel Quiñones manuq at laptop.org
Wed Apr 11 08:07:55 EDT 2012

El día 11 de abril de 2012 05:15,  <forster at ozonline.com.au> escribió:
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Activities/Pilas
> is interesting, I have translated the English documentation

Great you translated it, yes indeed Pilas is great for programming
learning.  A internationalization effort was made last year that may
end in Pilas running in your own language, so in Spanish you could do
"mono.sonreir()" and English "monkey.smile()".  I hope that gets
landed soon.

The activity was made in a sprint in Argentina.  Is a bit hackish,
because it has a big binary with all the Qt dependencies, and works
only in XO 1.5 with build 11.3 .  Would be great to see a Cairo port
of the engine, it also has a PyGame version (was the original) but is

> I can only get it to execute in immediate mode, I expect you can run it from Pippy or Terminal/python but I get import errors when I try

I did the dbus communication between GTK (toolbar) and Qt (canvas),
that may be the issue to tackle.


.. manuq ..

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