[Sugar-devel] [AToiDeJouer] New activity from OLPC-France for animated story editing ... work in progress

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-reply-to-2011-2 at silbe.org
Thu Mar 24 13:55:12 EDT 2011

Excerpts from Florent Pigout's message of Thu Mar 24 18:10:43 +0100 2011:

> With OLPC-France, we are currently working on a new activity named
> 'AToiDeJouer' ('YourTurnToPlay').


> I developed and tested the activity on a trisquel-sugar-4.1 virtualbox
> instance. Also I tried it once on a XO 1.5, but it seems that
> activity.ActivityToolbox and gtk.Color works in a different way.

I guess you're talking about the stock OLPC OS build. That contains
Sugar 0.84 with the "old" toolbars. Dextrose 2 is using Sugar 0.88 which
has the "new" toolbars; both Dextrose 3 and OLPC OS 11.2.0 (in
development) will contain Sugar 0.92. The Trisquel image you mention
seems to have Sugar 0.88.

What puzzles me, though, is that your activity is still using the "old"
toolbars, so it should already work on 0.84. Maybe you managed to mix
both old and new classes?

The Compatibility Tips wiki page has some tips [1] for supporting both
"old" and "new" toolbars. 


[1] https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Activity_Team/Compatibility_Tips#Sugar_toolbar_version
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