[Sugar-devel] [PATCH] Display build number at Name Page

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-reply-to-2011-3 at silbe.org
Sat Jun 18 08:05:24 EDT 2011

Excerpts from Esteban Bordón's message of Wed Jun 15 17:01:55 +0200 2011:

> This patch show the build number in the name page for first boot (see
> attached file). It's very useful to test the correct massive flashing for
> technical team.

Nice idea. As for the patch, I wonder why you use different code than
what's in extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/model.py. I'm not sure
whether importing or copying is the better option here, but different
code altogether definitely isn't. We need to show the same value in both
the Intro and the About my Computer CP section.

Importing extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/model.py has the obvious
advantage that there's no code duplication and thus no risk of diverging
code paths. The disadvantage is that the Intro would break if someone
chose not to install the About my Computer CP section. Copying the code
and adding a note to both copies that they should be kept in sync would
allow the Intro screen to be used even in absence of the About my
Computer CP section.


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