[Sugar-devel] Bare JIDs on jabber.sugarlabs.org

Aleksey Lim alsroot at activitycentral.org
Mon Jul 18 10:28:00 EDT 2011

Hi all,

Please help to figure out sugar collaboration related issues.

There are several buddies on jabber.sugarlabs.org that have no nicks
(you can see them if your server in "My Settings/Network" is
"jabber.sugarlabs.org") associated with them on the server.

If you are using jabber.sl.o, and your JID is from the following list,
what your sugar version?

    d2d0c6ad6fb3590888f265aacd9a2f858222a96b at jabber.sugarlabs.org
    2c2210870152c0424cfa1962f007e4ccd084434f at jabber.sugarlabs.org
    7663e716f145bbf41c731920a7a9e144a9bd9d6c at jabber.sugarlabs.org

To know what your JID is:

* remove "#" symbol from debug file[1]
* restart sugar
* open ~/.sugar/default/logs/telepathy-gabble.log file
* look for "using specified value for account:" line

[1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/BugSquad/Get_Logs#Enabling_Sugar_debug_logging


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