[Sugar-devel] [PATCH] fix calculation for determining the placement of badges

Simon Schampijer simon at schampijer.de
Thu Aug 18 11:32:52 EDT 2011

On 08/18/2011 05:25 PM, Walter Bender wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 10:34 AM, Gary Martin
> <garycmartin at googlemail.com>  wrote:
>> On 18 Aug 2011, at 10:01, Walter Bender wrote:
>>> On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 4:13 AM, Simon Schampijer<simon at schampijer.de>  wrote:
>>>> On 08/17/2011 07:37 PM, Walter Bender wrote:
>>>>> From: Walter Bender<walter.bender at gmail.com>
>>>>> It is my understanding the icon_info.attach_x,y are pixel offsets into the
>>>>> icon
>>>>> from the lower-left corner. If that is the case, then it should be added
>>>>> rather than multiplied. The other interpretation is that it is a position
>>>>> as percentage. If that is correct, then the default value should be 1.0
>>>>> instead of 0 if the badge is to be put in the lower-left. I did do an
>>>>> experiment with setting attach_x,y to 1.0 and got inconsistent results.
>>>>> Keeping
>>>>> it set to 0 and using it as a pixel offsets works as expected. I tested
>>>>> this
>>>>> patch with badges on icons on the toolbar and also the network icons in
>>>>> the mesh
>>>>> view and everything seems to render properly.
>>>> So 0,0 is at the left upper corner. You can see this easily by just setting
>>>> info.attach_x and info.attach_y to 0.
>>>> An example is:
>>>> badge-x = int(icon-x=0.97 * icon-width=55 - badge-size=24 / 2)
>>>> badge-y = int(icon-y=0.84 * icon-width=55 - badge-size=24 / 2)
>>>> badge-x will be 41 and badge-y 34 in this case (now.png).
>>>> The simplest I came up with would be:
>>>> badge-x = int(icon-x=0.97 + icon-width=55 - badge-size=24)
>>>> badge-y = int(icon-y=0.84 + icon-width=55 - badge-size=24)
>>>> badge-x will be 31 and badge-y 31, too (simple.png).
>>>> Your proposal would be:
>>>> badge-x = int(icon-x=0.97 + icon-width=55 - badge-size=24 / 2)
>>>> badge-y = int(icon-y=0.84 + icon-width=55 - badge-size=24 / 2)
>>>> badge-x will be 43 and badge-y 43, too (walter.png).
>>>> So I think our current approach is the most sophisticated one because it
>>>> weights in x and y. I think we are good with what we have.
>>>> Can you describe the exact issue you are seeing and maybe paste a simple
>>>> example?
>>>> Regards,
>>>>    Simon
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>>> Where/how is attach_x,y getting set in the code? Why does the default
>>> value not the lower right by default since that is were we position
>>> badges by default?
>> Perhaps it's just staying with the SVG coordinate system where 0,0 is in the top left corner – I don't remember coming across a design discussion defining the bottom right as the default place for badges, other than as was implemented for badging the APs.
>> Once the dust settles, perhaps it's time to pulling together a revised HIG document.
>> --Gary
>>> -walter
>>> --
>>> Walter Bender
>>> Sugar Labs
>>> http://www.sugarlabs.org
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>>> Sugar-devel mailing list
>>> Sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org
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> Can someone tell me where the mesh view sets the badge position?
> thanks.
> -walter

It gets calculated, see the first example I posted.


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