[Sugar-devel] Deployments round table in eduJam

Gonzalo Odiard gonzalo at laptop.org
Thu Apr 14 09:39:51 EDT 2011

We are trying to organize a deployments round table in eduJam, on Saturday
the 7th.
If you can represent your deployment, please send me a mail to coordinate
times and preparation.
Send me your name, deployment and what are the topics you consider important
to talk.

eduJam Program committee


Estamos tratando de organizar una mesa redonda de despliegues en el eduJam,
el sábado 7.
Si puedes representar a tu despliegue, por favor envíame un mail para
coordinar tiempos y preparación.
Envíame tu nompre, despliegue y los temas que consideras importantes para

Comité de Programa eduJam
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