[Sugar-devel] [PATCH v2 sugar] Frame: show application-set icon for non-Sugar windows

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-reply-to-2010-3 at silbe.org
Thu Sep 23 14:41:46 EDT 2010

Excerpts from Sascha Silbe's message of Mon Sep 20 19:32:40 +0200 2010:

> > When are these files cleaned up?
> sugar.util.TempFilePath is a wrapper around a file name that removes
> the file when the name gets garbage-collected. So the file should
> disappear on the first garbage collection run after the window was
> closed or a new icon assigned.

It turned out the file never got garbage-collected. After trying to
diagnose this leak for more than half a day I gave up and added a

I haven't tested what happens if an application changes the icon
multiple times at runtime. While I expect it to work just fine (the
workaround does almost the same) it would be nice if you could
try it or name an application that does change its icon so I can test

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