[Sugar-devel] [PATCH] Autocomplete functionality for the address does not work #2406

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-reply-to-2010-3 at silbe.org
Wed Oct 6 09:20:07 EDT 2010

Excerpts from simon's message of Wed Oct 06 13:57:20 +0200 2010:

> see as well #2291 for more info. This one is important for 0.90.

A bit more background information would be nice. A one-line summary
of the analysis in #2291 (i.e. input vs. screen, sub-pixel vs. whole-
pixel coordinate systems) would suffice.
Also the summary should be more "active" (e.g. "fix address completion").
Please adjust these before pushing. Thanks!

Acked-By: Sascha Silbe <sascha-pgp at silbe.org>


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