[Sugar-devel] Download experimental without being logged in

Thomas Gilliard satellit at attglobal.net
Tue May 11 08:37:52 EDT 2010

Is there anyway to tell what version (flavor) of sugar, (and hardware), 
a user is logging in with?

If so, could this trigger a custom list of activities for his/her 
version to be listed?

If not, maybe there should be a signature (cookie?) mechanism developed 
for sugar that ASLO could use to select the compatible activities to 

It works for browsers....

Tom Gilliard

Aleksey Lim wrote:
> Hi all,
> The ASLO[1] is based on Sugar Platform[2] idea when if activity
> developer wants to be sure that activity will start, just declares
> Sugar Platform range e.g. 0.82-0.88. This scheme is simple - users
> need to know only SP range to judge will activity start or not.
> But it doesn't work in other cases like binaries, non-SP dependencies.
> These issues can't be solved within current ASLO (and current deployment
> scheme, "only .xo bundles"). But we can remove, inherited from AMO,
> practice when user should be logged in to download not public
> activities.
> So, it will look like:
> * featured activities(and collections) are blessed by ASLO editors
>   will just work on declared sugars
> * activities that just work on declared sugars
> * experimental activities
>   work in some cases e.g. dependencies exist, machine is x86 etc.
> In all cases, user should not be logged in to download all these
> activity types. Does it break someone's workflows ?
> [1] http://activities.sugarlabs.org/
> [2] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.86/Platform_Components

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