[Sugar-devel] initial commit to git?

Bernie Innocenti bernie at codewiz.org
Tue Jun 8 18:55:01 EDT 2010

El Mon, 07-06-2010 a las 00:15 -0400, Art Hunkins escribió:
> Martin,
> Thanks for the additional information.
> Regarding the requirement to add "master" at the end of the first git push 
> for an activity: nowhere in the wiki git docs do I see (or did I see) 
> mention of this fact. All the examples given end with "mainline.git". (This 
> is all I was saying; the command just doesn't work if "master" is omitted.)
> I presume this is an important omission, and may well have been the same one 
> blocking Victor Lazzarini, as seen in this (seemingly unresolved) thread (as 
> located by Dev):
> http://www.mail-archive.com/sugar-devel@lists.sugarlabs.org/msg01655.html

Ouch, you're right... can you please fix our wiki? If you have no time
or don't know how to do it, just let me know and I'll do it.


   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/

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