[Sugar-devel] [PATCH] Pippy example - file writing and reading

Dinko Galetic dinko.galetic at gmail.com
Thu Jun 3 04:46:37 EDT 2010

This example demonstrates some basic text file reading and writing.

diff --git a/data/GSOC examples/file writing and reading b/data/GSOC
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13b7436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/GSOC examples/file writing and reading
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import time
+print "This example demonstrates how to create a text file, write something
+print "How shall we call the file?"
+filename = raw_input()
+print "Where would you like to store the file? (can be left empty)"
+# Practice: Where does the file get stored if we leave this empty?
+directory = raw_input()
+full_name = directory + filename
+print "Please enter the text you would like to store."
+text = raw_input()
+# Open the file in the "w"rite mode.
+my_file = open(full_name, "w")
+# Let's write the current time to that file.
+# \n is the way of saying "i'm finished with that line, move to the next
+current_time = time.ctime()
+my_file.write("The following text was written at: " + current_time + "\n")
+# Write our text to the open file.
+# Close the file.
+# Now lets read from that same file. This is how reading is done.
+# First: Open the file in "r"ead mode.
+my_file = open(full_name, "r")
+# Second: Read from it.
+from_file = my_file.read()
+# Third: Close the file.
+# Print what we've read.
+print from_file
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