[Sugar-devel] Joke Machine XO-1 build 802

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Mon Jan 18 04:19:52 EST 2010

Hi David,

On 18 Jan 2010, at 04:05, David Leeming wrote:

> Can anyone verify that Joke Machine versions 8, 9 and 10 will run on an XO-1 running build 802 ?

FWIW I've tested versions 8, 9, and 10 on an XO-1 build 762 with Sugar 0.82.1, I'll need to check later and see if I have an 802 build installed on either of my other test XOs, but I think they're both running much more recent test images (Sugar 0.84.x).

Any way, for XO-1 build 762 with Sugar 0.82.1, versions 8, 9, and 10 of Joke Machine tested fine:

 - launched correctly
 - allowed viewing the built-in lesson plan (just viewed first page)
 - allowed creating a jokebook (only tested with text content)
 - allowed adding a joke (only tested with text content)
 - allowed reading the jokebook
 - stopped correctly
 - resumed correctly from Journal with content just created


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