[Sugar-devel] [SoaS] Sugar 0.88.0 stable release in Fedora 13 and testing of daily images.

Thomas C Gilliard satellit at bendbroadband.com
Fri Apr 2 19:59:37 EDT 2010

  Bug filed:#1897

The wrong IRC (sugar-xoirc) appears to be in the KS file for the soas 
spin. irc-5.xo should be there instead:

===Testing of soas-i386-20100401.18.iso==-
Tested With EeePc900 (wirelessly)
Created with booted 2 partition 4GB Firefly USB:

2 partition Builder USB  http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go

in sugar-terminal command: "liveusb-creator"

Target: 2GB Firefly USB

Fedora release 13 (Goddard)

Applications on soas-i386-20100401.18 USB:

NAME        VERSION    (Good/Bad and problems)
Browse        114    +
Etoys        113    +
Chat        66    +
Write        68    -    (Broken; writes in top bar instead of text field
Turtle Art    83    +
Log        23    +
Physics        4    +
Terminal    31    +
*-IRC        6    -    (failed to start)  *  SEE NOTE BELOW  This seems 
to be caused because the wrong IRC (sugar-xoirc) is in KS file of soas spin
                irc-5.xo is the correct Application
                PLEASE CORRECT KickStart file for SOAS Spin.
Read        78    -    (failed to start)



in sugar terminal :

su -
yum remove sugar-xoirc  

(sugar-xoirc 6-2.fc13)

start Browse
go to ASLO
download IRC / Browse: activities Download irc-5.xo

This NEEDS TO BE FIXED because the wrong IRC (sugar-xoirc) is in KS file 
of soas spin
irc-5.xo is the correct Application and works well after this correction.

Note: you must remove sugar-xoirc BEFORE doing Download of irc-5.xo. As  
sugar-xoirc seems to block the start of irc-5.xo (maybe because the 
version number is higher)

Tom Gilliard

Peter Robinson wrote:
> Hi All,
> I pushed the following final release sugar 0.88.0 release packages [1]
> to both F-13 and rawhide this morning. Thanks to Tomeu and all for
> their continued hard work towards the release. Now the hard work ramps
> up for the rest of us. They will be showing up in the daily images of
> F-13 just as soon as Fedora opens back up post beta release. They will
> be in testing before that if you wish to test them earlier. As part of
> that I'm going to add the extra previous outlined Activities to the
> build so we can test them more easily and closely. This doesn't mean
> they'll remain. You can install and test others using yum as well.
> We're closing on the release. Please file bugs about all issues that
> your aware of.
> Peter
> [1]
> sugar-datastore-0.88.0-1.fc13
> sugar-presence-service-0.88.0-1.fc13
> sugar-artwork-0.88.0-1.fc13
> sugar-0.88.0-1.fc13
> sugar-base-0.88.0-1.fc13
> sugar-toolkit-0.88.0-1.fc13
> sugar-write-69-1.fc13
> sugar-browse-115-1.fc13
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